Autor Wątek: ZX-Art graphics updates  (Przeczytany 94422 razy)


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    Tallinn, Estonia
ZX-Art graphics updates
« dnia: 2014.12.13, 16:20:32 »
I hope that nobody would mind if I post some ZX-Art graphics updates here. competition "Zarblay Xemplok" (2011) images have been added. Thanks to diver4d, they can be now viewed on a real hardware (ZX Evolution - a modern clone of ZX Spectrum with advanced graphics capabilities).

I would like to ask: what notable Polish ZX Spectrum artists have there been? Is ZX-Art missing anybody?
If you know about any missing images, authors, parties, games - please let me know.


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    Carlisle w UK
Odp: ZX-Art graphics updates
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: 2014.12.13, 16:33:26 »
I like both from above.
Last one not so much. :)
- Jeśli masz w domu światło i wodę, tzn. że masz światłowód. ;)


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    Tallinn, Estonia
Odp: ZX-Art graphics updates
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: 2014.12.13, 17:00:49 »
There are much more in that competition. Most of these works use standard 16 colors of ZX Spectrum, 1 color for 1 pixel without color clashes, so this is why they can be watched only on ZX Spectrum clones with advanced gfx capabilities.

CaT (-Man)

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    Bo'ness / Szkocja
Odp: ZX-Art graphics updates
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: 2014.12.21, 11:52:27 »
looks great and really nice "3 eyes" graphics :)


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    Tallinn, Estonia
Odp: ZX-Art graphics updates
« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: 2015.02.14, 00:49:01 »
looks great and really nice "3 eyes" graphics :)
I agree! Pixel Joint has some really experienced authors taking part in such small compos.

By the way, is this your gallery?


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  • Wiadomości: 44
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    Tallinn, Estonia
Odp: ZX-Art graphics updates
« Odpowiedź #5 dnia: 2015.02.14, 00:56:30 »


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    Tallinn, Estonia
Odp: ZX-Art graphics updates
« Odpowiedź #6 dnia: 2015.02.20, 22:58:04 »
A gallery of game graphics by Dušan Balara from DSA Computer Graphix has been completed.


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    Carlisle w UK
Odp: ZX-Art graphics updates
« Odpowiedź #7 dnia: 2015.02.21, 00:30:30 »
Te obrazki są po prostu ŚWIETNE.  Drzewka pojazdy ludki twarze, dosłownie każdy piksel piękny. :)
- Jeśli masz w domu światło i wodę, tzn. że masz światłowód. ;)


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Odp: ZX-Art graphics updates
« Odpowiedź #8 dnia: 2015.02.21, 09:21:46 »
No, trochę szkoda że Słowacy potrafili takie rzeczy wypuszczać a my nie ;)


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  • Miejsce pobytu:
    Tallinn, Estonia
Odp: ZX-Art graphics updates
« Odpowiedź #9 dnia: 2015.03.30, 22:25:34 »
ZX-Art invites everybody to participate in filling and correcting an archive of music and graphics.

We announce the following changes (prepared during last half year) as ready for public use:
* Artists and musicians can now easily get all the rights for editing of their page.
* Enthusiasts can quickly add their favourite tunes, pictures, parties, games, authors

If you are an author, then you can greatly help by checking the information on your page for correctness. Please let us know or correct mistakes if you find something - we would really appreciate such kind of a help.

Additional to this, we invite all interested ZX Spectrum fans to recollect the favourite graphics and music from games, demos, e-magazines. If something is missing, then you can advise it right here or upload it directly to a website.


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  • Wiadomości: 44
  • Miejsce pobytu:
    Tallinn, Estonia
Odp: ZX-Art graphics updates
« Odpowiedź #10 dnia: 2015.06.14, 23:16:49 »

For those, who haven't yet noticed: there is now a web-radio on ZX-Art. You can now listen to the best ZX Spectrum music directly in your browser: there is game radio, demoscene radio, 1bit beeper radio and exotic formats like Digital AY and TSFM. You are welcomed to listen!

All works of authors, party entries and detailed search results can now be downloaded as a single archive. NB! Archive preparation for downloading of all works from ZX-Art (about 8000 images or 4000 tunes) can take 1-2 minutes, so please wait a little after pushing a button.
Download, spread, make backups - everything is open. Please respect author's licenses where applicable.

We are also publishing the project development road map on five directions.
Current top priority is getting rid of some commerce modules and publish the source code of portal to the GitHub under some free license, so anybody would be able to start up his own copy for any non-commercial purposes or even help with ZX-Art development.
GFX Roadmap
Music roadmap
Software archive roadmap
Organizational roadmap
Authors, users, people roadmap


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  • Wiadomości: 44
  • Miejsce pobytu:
    Tallinn, Estonia


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  • Wiadomości: 3333
  • Miejsce pobytu:
    Carlisle w UK
Odp: ZX-Art graphics updates
« Odpowiedź #12 dnia: 2015.07.14, 00:28:59 »
Is this tiger is on Sam Coupe or an ordinary blinking on ZX128?
- Jeśli masz w domu światło i wodę, tzn. że masz światłowód. ;)


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  • Wiadomości: 44
  • Miejsce pobytu:
    Tallinn, Estonia
Odp: ZX-Art graphics updates
« Odpowiedź #13 dnia: 2015.07.14, 07:38:26 »
An ordinary blinking Gigascreen, even without multicolor using.

ZX Freeq

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Odp: ZX-Art graphics updates
« Odpowiedź #14 dnia: 2015.11.19, 13:06:03 »
Włączyłem sobie RSS na i teraz będę Was zanudzał.  ;D
Podobają mi się te konwersje. Nie ma rzeczy niemożliwych dla ZXa (i dobrych grafików).

Nie wiem dlaczego, ale osobiście zdecydowanie bardziej wolę takie obrazki (nawet jak zaweirają trochę 'color-clash') niż wszelkiego rodzaju GigaScreeny.
ZX80|ZX81+16kB+PandAY|ZX 48k/+/128k+/+2/+2A/+3/Vega/Next|QL+QIDE|JS128|Timex 2048+2040|UK2086|FDD3000+3.5''|AY|ZX HD|Divide2k11/2k14|DivMMC/PicoDivSD|BetaDisk 128|Opus|Masakrator FM|If 1/2/Microdrv|Multiface 1|+2A\B SDI-1|SJS 1/2|ZX Printer|TZXDuino|+3 HxC USB|ZXUno|Omni