Autor Wątek: ZX-Art graphics updates  (Przeczytany 88699 razy)


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    Carlisle w UK
Odp: ZX-Art graphics updates
« Odpowiedź #15 dnia: 2015.11.19, 17:43:13 »
A zanudzaj ile wlezie. :)
- Jeśli masz w domu światło i wodę, tzn. że masz światłowód. ;)

ZX Freeq

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Odp: ZX-Art graphics updates
« Odpowiedź #16 dnia: 2015.12.09, 08:18:01 »
No to proszę. Ładny domek się pojawił, o.
ZX80|ZX81+16kB+PandAY|ZX 48k/+/128k+/+2/+2A/+3/Vega/Next|QL+QIDE|JS128|Timex 2048+2040|UK2086|FDD3000+3.5''|AY|ZX HD|Divide2k11/2k14|DivMMC/PicoDivSD|BetaDisk 128|Opus|Masakrator FM|If 1/2/Microdrv|Multiface 1|+2A\B SDI-1|SJS 1/2|ZX Printer|TZXDuino|+3 HxC USB|ZXUno|Omni


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    Tallinn, Estonia
Odp: ZX-Art graphics updates
« Odpowiedź #17 dnia: 2015.12.16, 22:42:18 »
Włączyłem sobie RSS na i teraz będę Was zanudzał.  ;D
You are also really welcomed to register and vote for graphics and music - the collection requires more votes for more objective ratings, and authors need all the available feedback.

Nie wiem dlaczego, ale osobiście zdecydowanie bardziej wolę takie obrazki (nawet jak zaweirają trochę 'color-clash') niż wszelkiego rodzaju GigaScreeny.
Interesting fact: making a good Gigascreen image is really hard, almost twice as hard as making a good 6912 image. I personally prefer standard ZX screen too, but it was a nice practice to try gigascreen.

Music and graphics from Artfield 2015

A large update of Microhobby Pixel A Pixel restoration, more than 50 unseen restored images are uploaded to compo pages:

ZX Freeq

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Odp: ZX-Art graphics updates
« Odpowiedź #18 dnia: 2015.12.17, 09:41:26 »
You are also really welcomed to register and vote for graphics and music
Thanks, will try that in spare time.

Nie wiem dlaczego, ale osobiście zdecydowanie bardziej wolę takie obrazki (nawet jak zaweirają trochę 'color-clash') niż wszelkiego rodzaju GigaScreeny.

Interesting fact: making a good Gigascreen image is really hard, almost twice as hard as making a good 6912 image. I personally prefer standard ZX screen too, but it was a nice practice to try gigascreen.
I grew up with ZX Spectrum and back in the 80/90s noone thought about gigascreen and alike effects. Probably mostly to the fact that finding a 128k model back then was like looking for a needle in a haystack. Gigascreen looks good oon emulators with blinking removed, on regular monitor/tv... i don't know. Feels wrong.
I did once one logo for a gigascreen mode, but stil prefer the old plain 6912.
ZX80|ZX81+16kB+PandAY|ZX 48k/+/128k+/+2/+2A/+3/Vega/Next|QL+QIDE|JS128|Timex 2048+2040|UK2086|FDD3000+3.5''|AY|ZX HD|Divide2k11/2k14|DivMMC/PicoDivSD|BetaDisk 128|Opus|Masakrator FM|If 1/2/Microdrv|Multiface 1|+2A\B SDI-1|SJS 1/2|ZX Printer|TZXDuino|+3 HxC USB|ZXUno|Omni


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Odp: ZX-Art graphics updates
« Odpowiedź #19 dnia: 2015.12.17, 11:02:50 »
These pictures from Artfield are very good.

You are also doing a great job with recovering these Spanish pictures from scans. There are of different quality but some of them are very good too. Thanks a lot.


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    Tallinn, Estonia
Odp: ZX-Art graphics updates
« Odpowiedź #20 dnia: 2016.03.05, 13:21:40 »
A number of updates have been completed on ZX-Art during past two months.

  • The internal API filtration was accelerated almost twice, which resulted in the speeding up main page opening.
  • Switching to PHP7 provided nearly 30% of performance increase.
  • There is a single catalog of authors now. Musicians / Artists are now simply filter from a single directory.
  • Fixed some bugs in the conversion of MP3 / OGG.
  • Added a votes for comments. Didn't help much, still had to ban trolls.
  • Fixed numerous bugs in the JS-player of music.
  • Advanced search is now able to show a list of authors.
  • Filtering by country / city of the author is added to advanced search
  • Filtering by presence of the drawing stages / inspiration is added to advanced search
  • Author aliases have been implemented. Alias may have its own works, the author page combines all works of all its aliases
  • Implemented the groups of authors: the groups may have unlimited nesting, the group consists of members with membership dates and a role of the group.
  • Added Spanish language. Some translations were made by hand, some are machine translation.
  • Added basic information output to ZiFi
  • Added support for sXg-graphics
The project develops quickly, the development process sticks to the planned roadmap more or less. The next stage would be connected to categories of software, releases structure, extended materials.

Graphics/music from DiHalt Lite 2016:

Graphics/music from ZX Enhanced compo 2016:

More than 40 restored images from Microhobby Pixel A Pixel have been added.

The main restoration work has been done by Maria Veide. Without her help this project would have virtually stopped.


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Odp: ZX-Art graphics updates
« Odpowiedź #21 dnia: 2016.03.05, 14:16:20 »
Thanks for all that Moroz! You are doing an incredible work. And I'm visiting your site practically every day :)

I'm looking forward to next updates.

ZX Freeq

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Odp: ZX-Art graphics updates
« Odpowiedź #22 dnia: 2016.03.05, 21:14:05 »
More than 40 restored images from Microhobby Pixel A Pixel have been added.

Sorry if it's a lame question, but what do You mena by restored? From old tapes/disks? Could You elaborate?
Nice to see improvements. Great work!
ZX80|ZX81+16kB+PandAY|ZX 48k/+/128k+/+2/+2A/+3/Vega/Next|QL+QIDE|JS128|Timex 2048+2040|UK2086|FDD3000+3.5''|AY|ZX HD|Divide2k11/2k14|DivMMC/PicoDivSD|BetaDisk 128|Opus|Masakrator FM|If 1/2/Microdrv|Multiface 1|+2A\B SDI-1|SJS 1/2|ZX Printer|TZXDuino|+3 HxC USB|ZXUno|Omni


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Odp: ZX-Art graphics updates
« Odpowiedź #23 dnia: 2016.03.05, 22:02:49 »
Odpowiem w imieniu Moroza. ( To Moroz:  I'm answering the question )

W hiszpańskim czasopiśmie Microhobby były publikowane obrazki stworzone na Spectrum i nadsyłane przez czytelników. Jak to z czasopismami z tamtego okresu bywa, zwykle kolory były  zniekształcone i nachodzące na siebie, piksele rozmyte itp.

Moroz opracował zbiór narzędzi które pomagają mając takie zniekształcone zdjęcie ekranu Spectrum uzyskać oryginalny, ostry, niezniekształcony obrazek w formacie Spectrum czyli .scr.

Narzędzia dużo pomagają ale nie jest to proces w pełni automatyczny. Nad każdym obrazkiem musi jeszcze usiąść i popracować człowiek i zrobić korekty w tych miejscach gdzie algorytm zawiódł. Podziękujmy więc pani Marii Veide :)

ZX Freeq

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Odp: ZX-Art graphics updates
« Odpowiedź #24 dnia: 2016.03.06, 00:56:07 »
Dzięki za wyczerpującą odpowiedź. Fascynująca konwersja z "analogowego" scr :)

Thanks for thorough answer. Thats a fascinating convertion from "analogue "scr fromat :)
ZX80|ZX81+16kB+PandAY|ZX 48k/+/128k+/+2/+2A/+3/Vega/Next|QL+QIDE|JS128|Timex 2048+2040|UK2086|FDD3000+3.5''|AY|ZX HD|Divide2k11/2k14|DivMMC/PicoDivSD|BetaDisk 128|Opus|Masakrator FM|If 1/2/Microdrv|Multiface 1|+2A\B SDI-1|SJS 1/2|ZX Printer|TZXDuino|+3 HxC USB|ZXUno|Omni

ZX Freeq

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Odp: ZX-Art graphics updates
« Odpowiedź #25 dnia: 2016.09.15, 08:38:18 »
Zaginiona gra odnaleziona, a tu nowy loading screen do niej autorstwa Ignacio Prini Garcia.
ZX80|ZX81+16kB+PandAY|ZX 48k/+/128k+/+2/+2A/+3/Vega/Next|QL+QIDE|JS128|Timex 2048+2040|UK2086|FDD3000+3.5''|AY|ZX HD|Divide2k11/2k14|DivMMC/PicoDivSD|BetaDisk 128|Opus|Masakrator FM|If 1/2/Microdrv|Multiface 1|+2A\B SDI-1|SJS 1/2|ZX Printer|TZXDuino|+3 HxC USB|ZXUno|Omni

ZX Freeq

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Odp: ZX-Art graphics updates
« Odpowiedź #26 dnia: 2016.09.19, 13:44:38 »
ZX80|ZX81+16kB+PandAY|ZX 48k/+/128k+/+2/+2A/+3/Vega/Next|QL+QIDE|JS128|Timex 2048+2040|UK2086|FDD3000+3.5''|AY|ZX HD|Divide2k11/2k14|DivMMC/PicoDivSD|BetaDisk 128|Opus|Masakrator FM|If 1/2/Microdrv|Multiface 1|+2A\B SDI-1|SJS 1/2|ZX Printer|TZXDuino|+3 HxC USB|ZXUno|Omni

ZX Freeq

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Odp: ZX-Art graphics updates
« Odpowiedź #27 dnia: 2016.10.06, 12:30:54 »
Grafika pod wyższą rozdzieczość Timexa. (Ale nad literkami autor mógł troszkę dłużej popracować)
ZX80|ZX81+16kB+PandAY|ZX 48k/+/128k+/+2/+2A/+3/Vega/Next|QL+QIDE|JS128|Timex 2048+2040|UK2086|FDD3000+3.5''|AY|ZX HD|Divide2k11/2k14|DivMMC/PicoDivSD|BetaDisk 128|Opus|Masakrator FM|If 1/2/Microdrv|Multiface 1|+2A\B SDI-1|SJS 1/2|ZX Printer|TZXDuino|+3 HxC USB|ZXUno|Omni

ZX Freeq

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Odp: ZX-Art graphics updates
« Odpowiedź #28 dnia: 2017.02.02, 09:25:42 »
Dawno nic nowego w dziale, więc proszę, obrazek bez gigascrenów itp bajerów.

Autor:    Marco Antonio del Campo

ZX80|ZX81+16kB+PandAY|ZX 48k/+/128k+/+2/+2A/+3/Vega/Next|QL+QIDE|JS128|Timex 2048+2040|UK2086|FDD3000+3.5''|AY|ZX HD|Divide2k11/2k14|DivMMC/PicoDivSD|BetaDisk 128|Opus|Masakrator FM|If 1/2/Microdrv|Multiface 1|+2A\B SDI-1|SJS 1/2|ZX Printer|TZXDuino|+3 HxC USB|ZXUno|Omni


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  • mydłem go!
Odp: ZX-Art graphics updates
« Odpowiedź #29 dnia: 2017.02.02, 11:48:02 »
opad szczęki
dużo sprzętu mało czasu.