Autor Wątek: 3 demka na TS2068  (Przeczytany 9229 razy)


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3 demka na TS2068
« dnia: 2022.03.31, 13:13:54 »
Pojawiły się 3 demka na Timexa, prosto ze Słowacji (

"1st demo using still the ZX Spectrum ROM as add on to keep the code limit up to 1kB - using the plot routines from the ROM. Demo is able to autodetect the US TS2068 AY ports or portugal TC2048 standard Sinclair AY ports instead (when any AY capable interface is connected to this micro wired to the same AY port as original ZX Spectrum 128kB). SIL is abbreviation of Song In Lines name.

2nd demo is targeted for the native TS2068 and the original ZX Spectrum ROM is not needed this time.
This demo uses special trick to get nice visual effect on real TV output compared to emulators running on the modern type of monitor.

3rd demo is most advanced one and also for the native TS2068 platform - no Sinclair ROM needed.
Use the following keys to configure demo output according your wish: Caps Shift + 1 to 6 keys show instructions/key commands. Only Voodoo soundtracks are accessible via SymbolShift + A to K key press. FX soundtracks are removed due to memory limit compared to the ZX Spectrum 128kB.

Powinny one też działać na TC2068.
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